Welcome to the Governors’ page of the school website – we hope you find it useful in telling you who we are and what we do. As a new Governing Body, we are really excited to be supporting and leading Woodsetts Primary in this new phase. We look forward to working with you. Please use the panels and links below to find out more.
The Governing Body at Woodsetts Primary is made up of 5 Governors who are committed to the school’s aims.
We work in close partnership with the Head teacher, the multi-academy trust, staff, pupils and parents to enable children to achieve success and to prepare them for the opportunities and experiences of adult life within a culturally diverse, ever changing, society.
The Governing Body is made of members from different groups such as parents, staff, the wider community and from other educational settings. Individual governors bring their own experiences and expertise to the governing body and we aim to use their skills to the benefit of the school.
The governing body is the school’s accountable body and works closely with our multi-academy trust - White Woods Primary Academy Trust.
It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards of achievement. The governing body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.
The governing body has a number of responsibilities which have to be exercised in partnership with WWPAT, headteacher and staff. Governors should not intervene in the day-to-day running of the school. The governing body supports and leads on the following areas:
- Sets the strategic direction of the school.
- Challenges and supports the school by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating.
- Ensures accountability.
Governors are most useful to the school by being supportive yet challenging, neither blindly accepting nor entirely critical of the way the school functions. If the governing body gets the balance right it can both support the school and promote its improvement effectively.
The governing body must appoint a chair and vice chair but, beyond that, is able to organise itself as it wishes in order to carry out its responsibilities. Certain duties must be carried out by the full governing body but others can be delegated to nominated governors or committees. At Woodsetts Primary, we have linked a governor to each area of our Academy Improvement Plan. This helps them to have a clear view of their area of responsibility and provide support and challenge. Governors have also been given specific areas of responsibility such as SEND, Safeguarding, Attendance, Pupil Premium, Wellbeing and Sports and PE.
If you wish to contact our governors, this can be done by writing to them at the school address. All correspondence will be passed over to them. Please state clearly on your letter that it is for the attention of governors.
Who are our Governors?
Our Governors for the 2024 2025 academic year are:
TBC (Chair of Governors)
Mr R Lian (Vice Chair / Safeguarding Governor)
Miss M Buttery (Parent Governor)
Mrs A Samidas (Parent Governor)
Mr M Revill (Headteacher)
Mrs Z Andrews (Community Governor)
Miss E Batterham (Staff Governor - Observer)
Details of roles and responsibilities of our governors (constitution)
Trust information and documents
As Woodsetts Primary is part of a multi-
- Directors Register of Business Interests
- Financial Statements
- Trust Master Funding Agreement
- Scheme of Delegation
- Articles of Association
You can access these documents by clicking here or by navigating to the White Woods Primary Academy Trust site.