Support for transition
At Woodsetts Primary School we understand how important a successful transition is to help children move up to their new year groups. Under normal circumstance, children would have had the opportunity to spend time in their new classrooms and meet their new teachers. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this has not been possible. In order to support our children during this tricky time, we have put together the following for them:
Introduction videos and PowerPoints
Each of our teachers has put together a short video to say "Hello" to their new classes and a PowerPoint presentation to share some key information. These can be accessed via our Class Pages at:
"Meet the teacher" socially distanced meetings
We would also like children the opportunity to wave "Hello" to their new teachers to help them feel more confident about starting a new class in September. This will also allow children the opportunity to say "Goodbye" to their current teacher which we know is important too - especially if this member of staff is leaving Woodsetts. These meetings will be conducted outside and will be socially distanced to help keep everyone safe. Please see the rota below and the risk assessment we have drawn up. We understand that these meetings may not be possible for all families (e.g. if you are shielding) and there is no pressure to attend. We wanted to offer these out to any who were able to come along to help support children who may be worried or have a question for their new teachers. If you would like to attend one of these meetings, please follow these guidelines and also read through our risk assessment below:
- Only 1 adult to attend with each child.
- Please follow the one way system and use the 2m markings to safely queue up.
- All visitors on to the school playground will be asked to use hand sanitizer provided.
- No one with Covid-19 symptoms to come on to school site.
- Teachers will be sat at tables. Please maintain the 2m distance throughout the meetings.
- In order to help everyone see their new teacher, please keep to the timings and keep the line moving.
- Any items or gifts brought on to site will be isolated for 72 hours and then cleaned before being passed on to staff.
"Meet the teacher" Risk Assessment
"Meet the teacher" / Collection of end of year reports rota
It will also be possible for you to collect your child's annual report during this meeting. Staff will be on hand to pass you these reports. Should you not be able to attend to collect these, we can keep these safe until September for you.
Please note: If you are unable to make the day/time allocated, please contact school and we will do our best to accommodate an alternative if this is possible. If your child is currently attending school as part of the key worker group or one of the designated year groups, we can give them their school report. We can also help them to meet their new teacher too (from a safe distance).
Online questions to your new teacher
We have created a secure Google Form where children can pose questions to their new teacher. Once questions have been submitted, we will collate all of the answers together and put them on our website to help the children. The form can be accessed here:
We have collated the questions posed so far and created the following presentation. We hope this helps:
Transition activities
There are some fun transition activities which children can complete. This includes some end of year journals which can be downloaded and completed. There are also some learning activities which could be used to help prepare children for their new year groups. These are available via our secure online Google Folder.